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Thursday, July 6, 2017

greetings people..

lot of things happen since my last post. the promise of updating regularly is really not being kept, hahaha...

i got marrid on 2nd Feb this year to a beautiful person named Nurqurratu Aini Zulkifflee, my crush since 2010, i think. hehe.. well3.. congrats to me and her. wedding pics, i don't have that now to be pasted here, but believe me, i am now called a husband to someone! Finally, achievement unlocked! Yeayyyy!

Okay, so, thats that.. for now.

we celebrated Aidilfitri just last week, man, with bigger families, (my wife's, that is), it is really exhausting, but fun, actually. i do miss the times when i was single, doing what i like during the festives, but to be doing what we like, together, is also not bad at all. at least i got to know a lot of new faces, going to new places and eating a lot of raya delicacies!.. hahaha.

so as of today, i gain a lot of weight, not just because of raya, but accumulated from 1st day of marriage,  i diid not do any exercise at all, not i live to regret.. hm.. well, enough for now, just doing the updates here in case anybody decides to keeping up with what i become these days.. adios and assalamualaikum.. till the next posting yaaaa..

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